- Slovak Telegram: The Silent Invasion of Manipulation and Propaganda
The chat platform Telegram is one of the main channels for spreading Russian propaganda in Slovakia and is recognized in many European countries as a key source of misleading and harmful information. It serves as the main gateway for disinformation and propaganda, which are then disseminated throughout the Slovak information space.
- Slovenský Telegram: Tichá invázia manipulácií a propagandy
Chatovacia platforma Telegram patrí na Slovensku medzi hlavné kanály šírenia ruskej propagandy na Slovensku a v mnohých európskych krajinách je označovaná za kľúčový zdroj zavádzajúcich a škodlivých informácií. Funguje ako hlavná vstupná brána pre dezinformácie a propagandu, ktoré sa následne šíria v slovenskom informačnom priestore.
- A detailed analysis of the state’s vulnerabilities to hybrid threats is available on our blog!
Our readers pointed out a broken hyperlink in our recently published segment of the series on hybrid threats in Slovakia. This hyperlink, redirected to the public version analysis of the state administration bodies to hybrid threats, hosted on the Ministry of Interior's website.